Understand About Pipeline Survey

 During the pre-construction planning, project owners must obtain bids from qualified pipeline contractors. In addition, selected contractors must obtain proper permits, insurance, and easement rights before breaking ground. The construction phase is divided into three stages. The first involves clearing and grading the land and digging trenches. The second encompasses stringing and welding pipes, then installing the connected pipes into trenches. The final phase involves testing the pipeline, backfilling trenches, and restoring the land to its original condition.

Pipeline companies use the method of subsurface utility engineering to locate the position and depth of previously installed pipes and utilities. Determining the location of existing pipelines helps contractors avoid project delays, minimize construction costs, and provide a safer work environment.

Pipeline surveys Alberta provide a right-of-way for trenching procedures. Segments of pipe are shipped to the site via semi-trucks. Crew members then string the pipes together on the ground, and welders must weld them before they are placed into trenches. Welded pipes are tested extensively to ensure they have sufficient integrity. Once pipes pass inspection, workers apply an epoxy coating to prevent welds from leaking. One of the more challenging tasks is lowering pipes into trenches. This job requires operators to be highly skilled to precisely place pipes into position. The type of testing pipes undergo is based upon the application being used. For example, sewer pipes and firelines endure different tests than natural gas or petroleum pipelines.


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